Phone calls and “WhatsApp” messages anger the owners of “Marina” North Coast .. Find out the details

A state of anger prevailed among the owners in the Marina El Alamein Tourist Center "Marina Village" after a large number of them received phone calls and messages from brokers' offices offering to sell or rent their units in the Marina during the past few days.
Where the owners received messages and calls from two brokerage offices bearing the name: «Marina. Home - Al-Gomhoria for Real Estate Investment» one of them reads as follows:
“Peace be upon you, with you (Israa), a sales official from Marina Home Company. I was talking to you about your unit in Marina. If you offered it for rent or sale, please call us on 01065777798-01011110614 - 01060489444. If you have any questions, send it to the Marketing Director and he will reply to you immediately.. and we apologize for the No inconvenience to you.”
The calls raised the owners' suspicions that their data had been leaked by the city authority or the management company, or through the owners' groups on social media.
For its part, sources in the telecommunications sector, who requested anonymity, told Eskan Misr that data leakage to real estate marketing companies is a reality, and has been happening for years, and that telecommunications companies have a classification for all categories according to the rate of monthly bills for calls, and that geolocation For customers, it is normal in advertising targeting, and it is easy to leak customer data in a specific region, job, bank, etc., and it is difficult to determine the source of this leak.”